OK, this is only the first time they've screwed me over, but it sounded better.
I signed up for net10 back in December. Got on the "easy minutes" plan (oh sweet irony on the name) Every month since then we've had a kind, gentle and easy going relationship. The money would be taken from me quietly and my minutes were given to me quickly.
Until this month. Check my account I saw that my minute mistress had taken the money, but had failed to uphold her end of our months long deal. (no happy ending for you!)
I go and check at her home (www.net10.com) and I see that she had left me a small love note. "You have pending updates click here to get your updates" She even underlined click here, does she know how to tease or what!
I gently click on her here. She tells me to make sure that I'm on, (oh, I am on), then to press continue to receive my... updates.
I click.
I follow her steps, entering in *#0, then press OK.
She then gives me a 27 digit code to enter. Fingers quivering, I enter them.
And invalid code 8. What?
Please try re-entering your code again. In red.
Oh, you're teasing me aren't you. OK, so I enter it again.
Invalid code 8.
And again.
Now she tells me to call her. Call her? Up until now it's all been word play. A safe screen in-between us. But to call her?
So I called, got the menu, followed it down the path feeling like Alice.
I get a real person and explain to her I went to the website, was told there was "an issue" given a code number to enter. After four tries, each returning a "invalid code" I was given this number and called. Was told that I would have to call back on a line line to get the minutes that I've ALREADY PAID FOR. I don't have a land line, I got rid of it to get your phone. CSR was no help, I told her to never mind and just cancel my account and that I request a refund on the minutes that I've paid for but did NOT receive. Was told that I would have to call in on a land line to get my own money back. The feeling of being Alice hit me again.
After having the same conversation with some one else told them to just keep my money and cancel my account.
The whole point of getting the Net10 was to get rid of my land line. Now I have to have a land line to get the minutes I've already paid for. Wait a minute, I see a robin coming a round again.
This is SO going on http://consumerist.com/ and www.reddit.com.
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