Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Somebody's playing with my money, and it's not me!

So Friday I had a doctor’s appointment about my back, (but that’s another story), I was on my way home from it when “BING” my iPad letting me know that I had new voicemail. (I love my iPad). I pull over and took a look. They say that there’re from the Credit Union and that they had some questions about some transactions that got put on my card that morning. Please call us and use this reference number 745 453 or you can use your card number. Hmmm, that was a convenient bit of static. I only had done the doc’s office. I happened to only be about two blocks from a branch so I rode over and talked with a CS rep. played them the message. They go, “Nope, not our office. You have to identify yourself like three times” So. I go ahead and cancel my card, order a new one which will take a week to get here. Oh well, better safe than sorry.

I go to lunch with my friend Fred and during it I get a call from the CS rep I spoke with. Turns out that the call really was from their fraud department and that the recording had been cut off. She asked me to go ahead and give them a call, get it straightened out and then to call her back so that she could un-cancel my card. 20 minutes and two phone calls later it was all taken care of. At first I was a little put off, but then when I started thinking about it, I’m glad that they’re keeping an eye on my account. It makes me feel a little safer.