Friday, October 19, 2007

Living Without a Refrigerator! Update #5

It is now going onthree weeks without a Refrigerator. It's tough and yet in some ways it's not that bad. I'm not eating that much anymore so it's easy to make enough without having any leftovers. It's tough because I hate shopping and having to stop each night for that night's supper is a pain. Here's a photo of the fridge for you to see .


I put in some plates of baking soda to help keep it smelling good and to keep it dry. The main thing I miss is cheese. I haven't found a cheese yet that will keep. Even with it being the middle of October we're still have temps in the 90s. They keep telling us it will be colder soon.

Next I'm going to try those little chesses that are dipped in wax. I've found WebPages about canning soft cheese.

Preserving soft cheese in the box and Canning Soft Cheese.

You can read more about my experiment with

storing carrot in sand!


Unknown said...

Kudos, Allen, for living without a fridge! We've been without one for over two years now here in the woods, and it's not difficult once you get used to it. Of course, we're vegetarian and avoid dairy and eggs, so the cheese thing isn't much of a problem for us.

Anyway, great blog, and great goals! The best of luck to you.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I'm beginning to think we should try living without a fridge. Cheese is the problem here too and milk. Being on the thrd floor we couldn't put together an nice cool outdoor larder like my grandfather had in his garden.