Sunday, October 21, 2007

I've lost 65 pounds, ask me how!

Yes, it's true I've lost 65 pounds since Christmas. Without exercising and without feeling hungry. In face some days I have to remind myself to eat! Is it a pill? NO! Is it sticking my finger down my throat? NO! (not that that would do any good anyway as I have no gag reflex from learning sword swallowing in the circus.)

It's something called Ayurvedic. In Ayurveda, the five elements of space, air, earth, fire and water make up everything in the universe including the human body. These elements come together to create three different constitutional types or doshas known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Ayurveda has considered about the diet in detail. The Ayurvedic diet is one that not only nourishes the body, but also restores balance of 'Tridoshas' which is very much essential for maintaining Health. Depending on our dosha, or constitutional type, some foods can be beneficial, and others should be avoided. These same foods may have the opposite effect on another dosha.

The science of Ayurveda teaches that right diet is the foundation of healing. For maximum health and vitality, the ideal diet is one that balances our doshas. The qualities of Vata are cold, dry, light, hard, and rough. Pittas properties are hot, sharp, oily and light and the qualities of Kapha dosha are cold, heavy, liquid and unctuous. You can also have what is called dual-doshas, such as I am, a Pitta Kapha. So in the spring/summer I follow a Pitta diet and in the fall/winter I follow Kapha.

It's not my goal here to give you all the info there is about Ayurveda, but I'll give you some links that will tell you more and show you how to find out what your dosha is. The main thing is that it works. One of my friends named Karen started working from home at the clerk's office, so I didn't see her for months, when she came in she had lost 30 pounds and looked great! Of course I asked her what her secret was and that's how I learned about Ayurvedic. If I would exercised I could properly lose weight faster, but too fast can be just as bad, I've already gone down 4 pants sizes and should be down another one by the end of next week.

It was also following this way of life that made it easy to turn off the refrigerator, as a Pitta I don't consume food or drink that is hot or cold. So I drink warm water or tea. For breakfast I usually have a bowl of cereal such as golean granola or grape nuts. I used canned milk or sometimes grape juice. Lunch is the big meal of the day. Usually rice with bean, a can of tuna in water or chicken. I "graze" of fruits and veggies all day unless I'm in court that day. When I get home at around 5:30 I either eat what I have there, fruit fresh or canned as a snack or sometimes I'll stop by the store and pick up some fresh broccoli to steam. Then before I go to bed I'll have another piece of fruit or some of the picked onions I put up. I've taken to drinking a glass of water with some apple cider vinegar and honey in it.

Finding out what your dosha is
Different dosha diets
More about the different dosha and some good books on the lifestyle


The Quick & Easy Ayurvedic Cookbook

The complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies

and as always, look for these and other at your local library first! One of the main things I got rid of in my 100 item challenge was books, so I gave them to the local library where I (and others) will have access to them. actually I digitize most all of my books now. The trouble being I have to cut the spine to do it and I hate to destroy a book, but this way I can share them easily with people and take them on the go.