Thursday, September 27, 2007

Living Without a Refrigerator!

Simplify, simplify. - Henry David Thoreau. I have taken these words to heart and am trying to live my life in the most simple way that I can. Not owning things and making do with the least amount that I can. One of the main things I'm working on it Living Without A Refrigerator!

You should see the looks I get when I say that to people. It even worse than the looks when I say "No, I don't own a TV". he he he. I'm trying to eat foods that are fresh and that I make myself so I know just what is in them. I often carry a can of tuna or chicken to work for my lunch. Until I looked at the salt contant. That one can give me over 50% of my daily. I've worked hard to cut down my salt to bring down my blood pressure.

Knowing what goes into my body helps. I find that a refrigerator causes you to buy more food then you need. I've often bought something with the idea that I would eat, but never got around to it, so ended up throwing it out. No more! After a few weeks of eating fresh only, your taste comes back to life. You discover (or re-discover) taste that you haven't had since you were a child.

This week-end I will be shutting off my fridge. As I rent I can't get rid of it, but I really think that I won't back slide and turn it back on.

It was when I started to really look into living without a refrigerator I came across some excellent blogs about people already doing it. Check these out:
Give them a look!


J said...

somehow found your blog from the "Little Blog in the Big Woods" - the refrigerator idea appeals to me. I look forward to hearing more about your experience without it. How frequently do you think you'll have to "go shopping" for "fresh" items?
: )
J in Canada

Allen Klesh said...

It's not too bad, the hardest part is not buying too much. You see things that look really good. But you know would never keep, that's why I'm looking into canning and other means of keeping food.

I'll keep everyone posted.